Our participation to European Solar Challenge is confirmed.

Our Aerodynamics Group continues the mold drawings of our autonomous vehicle and assembled the new 3D printed steering wheel of ARIba X.
Strategy Group, on the other hand, had the Turkey Tour route drawn on Google Maps and analyzed the coordinates and altitude data.
Race Operation Group has planned the details (logistics, in-team planning) of the Solar Istanbul fair that we will attend at the end of March and continues to work for the Turkey Tour.
Moreover, we attended a in-school activity which is "Savunma Teknolojileri Günleri".

Embedded Systems Group has repaired the composite product curing oven used by the production group in the workshop. BMS UI has started to design and BMS balance algorithm continues to be developed with tests.
Power Systems Group has finished repairing the battery and will begin battery tests this week. They also started calculations for the battery of our autonomous vehicle.
Business Development Group visited CEO Tolunay Yildiz and HR Manager Asli Özen from Yeo Energy. At the same time, the details for our Lansman, which will take place on April 4, continue to be clarified.

Production group produced the Roll bar for ARIba X and assembled it on ARIba X. At the same time, the canopy was repaired.
Mechanical Group mounted the rear right suspension system and prepared the other mechanical systems of ArıbaX for the test.
Finally, the Autonomous Driving Group prepared Teknofest parkour on the simulation. Also, The new Yolov5 model, which will be much more stable and accurate instead of the old image recognition-learning model, continues to be trained.